Saturday, 20 January 2018

Planning - Filming day

Finding days to film proved to be one of the most difficult tasks when creating our psychological trailer, due to work and school commitments of our actors/actresses. We managed to arrange 2 days to film, one being just before the Christmas holidays and the other towards the end of our study leave in January for our mock exams. On the first day of filming, we decided to focus on the first half of our trailer which is has a romantic tone, making it quite unconventional of the thriller genre. However, a similar tone can be seen in the first half of the Red Eye trailer, which is a film we took large inspiration from due to this clever contrast between the first and second half of the trailer. As we started filming in the morning on the first day, we felt it was perfect to focus on this half as we wanted to have high key lighting from the sunshine in order to create verisimilitude and connote romance effectively as well as emphasise the contrast in the latter half of the trailer. On the second day of filming, we focused on the dark, twisted scenes most commonly scene in thriller films. We started filming in the late afternoon/evening in order to create effective low key lighting, which we would use to connote mystery and convey the antagonists increasingly dark intentions.
Below shows the contrast we received by filming in the morning verse filming in the evening, as well as the conversations we had about finding a time to film.

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