Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Planning - Sound choices

Finding music and sound effects for our trailer, proved to be an extremely difficult task due to the perfect blend we had to find between two pieces of music - one with a romantic tone and one being more stereotypical of the thriller genre. We used multiple websites to find these pieces such as Bensound, free music and even the music in the creators section on YouTube. For the first half of our trailer we wanted to include upbeat, happy music as this perfectly set the equilibrium. When Lewis and Selma are seen during the montage completing various romantic activities, we wanted to reflect and emphasise this mood in the music, therefore we decided upon "Pink Horizon". However, in order to fit the fast paced nature of the second half where a lot of action occurs including the increasingly violent intentions of the male antagonist, we decided upon a more upbeat and thrilling piece called "Apocalypse". This music was particularly significant as the strong, tense beats that occur throughout it allowed us to match the editing to it more seamlessly, having more of a 'thrilling' impact on our audience.

Background music
1. Pink Horizon - found on Youtube creator music
2. Apocalypse - found on Youtube creator music

From my research I also found that sound effects were also common in thriller films layered on top of each other. This therefore emphasises particular actions/events as well as amplifying the suspense featured in our trailer. In order to make the trailer more stereotypical of the thriller genre, we included a voice over of Lewis saying "strike 1, strike 2 and strike 3" throughout the trailer and also a cinematic sound at the end. The voiceover acted as a count down for the female protagonist, suggesting to the audience that she is running out of time and leading them to think that after the third strike something bad will happen.

Sound effects
1. lewis' voiceovers
2. Cinematic sound - found on Freesound
3. Cinematic 'boom' - found on Freesound

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